When you book an appointment with us we book that time just for you! When you’re late, cancel, or no call/no show… You miss out, we miss out and someone who would have loved to have that time slot misses out. We request 24 hours notice for the rescheduling or cancelling of an appointment. Appointments re-scheduled or cancelled without 24 hours notice will be charged 100% of the scheduled appointment services.

If you are 8 minutes late or more, your appointment will need to be rescheduled and you will be charged 100% of the scheduled appointment services.

All cancellation fees must be paid prior to scheduling your next appointment. While we hope this will not be necessary, patients who repeatedly violate our Cancellation and Tardiness Policy may not be allowed to re-schedule with Family & Co.

Thank you for being a valued patient and for your understanding of this policy. This policy will enable us to open otherwise unused appointments to better serve the needs of our patients.